Author | beginning argument ( Replies received: 18 ) |
lanchon |
Posted 25-02-2008 at 20:13 |

Registered on : 11-02-2008
Messages : 365
yessssssssss!!!! C++, at last!
| CodeSourcery/STM32 (by Lanchon, 25-Feb-2008)
This is a C/C++ build environment for the STM32 using CodeSourcery Sourcery G++
(arm-none-eabi). It has been tested with:
Sourcery G++ Lite 2007q3-53
Sourcery G++ 4.2-84
The JTAG flash programming support requires OpenOCD r320 (23-Feb-2008) or later
(, or for a win32 port). The GCC version of the
STM32F10x Firmware Library 1.0 (08-Oct-2007) is included with minor documented
Linker scripts, startup and exception support files were made by me. They were
based on a detailed analysis of how Sourcery G++ handles other targets, and they
are fully compatible with CodeSourcery's CS3 framework.
A demo project that flashes a led connected to PC12 is included. It is ready to
run on an Olimex STM32-H103 board (
The OpenOCD configuration files are ready to flash via an Olimex ARM-USB-TINY
JTAG dongle (
To build the demo, change to the project directory and use the make tool that
came with Sourcery G++:
cs-make to build the firmware library and the demo
cs-make -B to force a complete rebuild
cs-make clean to delete all previously built files
cs-make flash to flash an STM32 after building using OpenOCD
Some files are copyright CodeSourcery and are licensed under a very permissive
license (see the initial comments in each file). The rest were written by me,
and I place them all in the public domain.
Attachments : | | | | |
lanchon |
Posted 01-03-2008 at 21:44 |

Registered on : 11-02-2008
Messages : 365
added basic Eclipse support (no debugging).
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mc1 |
Posted 09-03-2008 at 23:55 |

Registered on : 03-09-2008
Messages : 3
Dear Rodrigo,
You did incredible job ! I still do not have evaluation board, but
I have successfully compiled your example and now I am waiting for the
evaluation board. I did not have to deal with GNU Linkek configuration
files before, so all this is really new to me.
I would be really gratful if you find some time to answer my questions ?
1) What is wrong with Code Sourcer w.r.t. STM32. Is it supported or
not? They say they support Cortex M3 so I am not sure why is it
necessary to do something more ? Esspecially, I do not understand how
it was possible that their linker files did not handle static
constructors initialization correctly so that you had to change
anything ?
2) I am wondering how did you find the sources of the libcs3 ( the
boot code that comes with the stm32 fwlib) ? Did you get it somehow
from Code Sourcer or you made them all yourself ? I could not find it.
Thanks for help,
lanchon |
Posted 12-03-2008 at 01:35 |

Registered on : 11-02-2008
Messages : 365
1) CS G++ supports code generation for the Cortex-M3 core (a
product of ARM). they don't provide linker scripts supporting the
STM32. they don't provide startup code either, and the code I've seen
elsewhere didn't support C++. they do provide the common part of the
implementation of an initialization strategy called CS3 onto which one
can plug in.
2) sources for (parts of) CS3 come with the non-lite version of CS
G++, which you can evaluate for free for a month if our register on
their site. (this version also comes with linker scripts and
initialization code for various micros, but not the STM32.) these files
are "conveniently" missing on the free version, but the files on the
commercial version are provided under a permissive license, so I could
include the relevant ones with my download. the startup code that comes
with fwlib isn't used, it doesn't support C++ (or CS3). the startup
files for the STM32 were made by me after looking at other startup
files by CS. the comment at the beginning of each file tells you
whether it's CS's work or mine, or a mixture of both.
the source for a specific stage of CS3 is missing because it isn't
included in commercial G++, but you can objdump it to take a look. (but
you probably aren't licensed to reproduce the output, and I don't know
if you are even allowed to objdump it in the first place.)
lanchon |
Posted 13-03-2008 at 14:28 |

Registered on : 11-02-2008
Messages : 365
I forgot to write a comment about this on the makefile. in the makefile you'll find these lines:
LD = $(CC)
#LD = $(CXX)
you should change them like this if you're compiling c++:
#LD = $(CC)
LD = $(CXX)
this makes the c++ support libs available to the linker.
also, a sad note: iostreams are not usable, the compiled size is
too big. there's no intrinsic reason for them to be, the library
implementation simply lacks quality in this regard.
and a tip: you can redirect the stdout like this:
extern "C" int _write(int, char*, int);
int _write(int file, char* ptr, int len)
display.print(ptr, ptr + len);
return len; // or -1
mc1 |
Posted 20-03-2008 at 13:28 |

Registered on : 03-09-2008
Messages : 3
Thanks for your answers (I have been away that's why I haven't
answer anything). It clarifies a lot for me. I will be playing with
GCC, STM32, and Olimex in the next month (I will start right after
Easter :)). I am wondering if it is possible to have your e-mail in
case of real troubles ? (my Skype is mczenko2). In any case, one more
time, thanks for your work and help !
lanchon |
Posted 21-03-2008 at 00:11 |

Registered on : 11-02-2008
Messages : 365
hi Marcin,
if you run into trouble you should post in this forum or contact ST
support. you might be under the wrong impression: I'm not affiliated
with ST and I don't provide support.
(PS. I'm lanchon, not Rodrigo.)
mc1 |
Posted 05-04-2008 at 00:22 |

Registered on : 03-09-2008
Messages : 3
miles.gazic |
Posted 22-04-2008 at 23:59 |

Registered on : 04-22-2008
Messages : 13
very much for putting this together. I tried it out along with the
codesourcery toolchain, and a few different versions of OpenOCD. In
each case I was able to build, flash, and execute the application using
OpenOCD, but I was not able to debug. GDB (the one included in the
codesourcery toolchain) could connect with a "target remote
localhost:3333", which would stop the app from running. Entering
'continue' would make it continue, but gdb became unresponsive, and did
not return a '(gdb)' prompt after the continue command. This is all on
winXP pro, and the versions of OpenOCD I tried were:
1) built from source
2) included with CodeSourcery's eval pro IDE
3) YAGARTO's OpenOCD installer
If anyone could tell what's wrong (or what to try next), I would appreciate it.
lanchon |
Posted 23-04-2008 at 08:45 |

Registered on : 11-02-2008
Messages : 365
hi Miles,
I normally don't get my hands dirty with these things, I write
mostly portable code and leave the details of toolchains to others. I
had zero experience with GCC and with setting up a compiler so this was
kind of a drag. Also, I never use debuggers (I instrument code instead)
so I can't help you in the least bit with GDB.
There's Anglia IDEaliST that I think can do debugging via OpenOCD,
you could try that IDE. In my release I included a file called
jtag/target.ini that was taken from IDEaliST 1.61. Apparently it's some
kind of configuration file for GDB, but I wouldn't know. I included it
in hopes that someone might find it useful...